Get Involved
MWA is a 100% volunteer-run,
365 days-a-year membership
organizing drive
The more volunteers we have, the stronger voice we create to put forth our demands for systemic change. Jobs with wages we can live on, adequate food, safe and secure housing and utilities are necessities to end poverty for all working people.
Weekly Activities
Annual Calendar
Organizer Training
MWA’s Method Of “On-The-Job” Training
See One, Do One, Teach One
MWA teaches basic organizing skills to all who dare to care and invest the time to learn. No prior experience or special skills are needed.
Ask about our organizer training programs, including classes in organizing method and lessons from the history of labor and political organizing in the U.S.
Learn How to Organize
Full-time, Part-time or Any Time Organizers Needed!
MWA provides organizer training through all its activities, thus giving volunteers the opportunity to become professional volunteer organizers. We use “on-the-job training,” so you can learn while taking action and making a difference.
Volunteers are needed daytimes and evenings, whether for a day, an hour, a week, a summer, a year, or for the rest of your life! We own a strategy, a method and have a track record of success. The only missing ingredient is you! Call MWA today at (614) 262-0567!
Below is a sampling of routine weekly activities.
Please ask for more details when you call MWA at (614) 262-0567.
Membership Canvass
Saturdays 10am to 4pm
Alone and isolated we cannot achieve anything; united we can win! Volunteers canvass door-to-door in low-income neighborhoods where members and potential members live, to build organization where it’s needed the most.
Benefit Advocacy
Tuesdays & Thursdays 10am to 4pm
1 out of 6 Ohioans are threatened with a utility shutoff each year. Columbus is the 2nd worst city in the nation for wage theft. Volunteers learn how to fill benefit requests from MWA members ranging from recovering stolen wages to stopping illegal evictions or utility shutoffs to resolving unmanageable medical bills and other forms of advocacy.
Graphic Design
Sundays 10am to 2pm
Don’t trust the mainstream media? 96% of the population doesn’t. Volunteers produce an independent newspaper, eye-catching flyers and posters to aid the cause of low-income workers. Professionals with skills or complete beginners are welcome!
Mailout Session
Tuesdays 1pm to 5pm
Volunteers prepare and send letters about our current campaigns to people who have joined MWA and have expressed an interest in volunteering or supporting MWA. We need volunteers to help with the daily letter mailout as well as to assist with the mass mailing of MWA’s membership newspaper and Sponsors Guide.
Community Outreach
Fridays 3pm to 7pm
Volunteers set up information tables in front of grocery stores, local community events and other locations to promote MWA so that others can join our cause. This is one way MWA enlists new friends and participants to come in and make a difference. Please call if you can volunteer or if you know of a location where MWA can set up a table.
Phoning Session
Sundays, Mondays & Wednesdays 6pm to 9pm
Volunteers are essential to all of MWA’s activities year-round. Volunteers conduct group telephone sessions to re-contact interested individuals met on community outreach and word-of-mouth about participating with MWA’s organizing activities scheduled each week.
Help keep MWA on the road to victory!
Volunteer drivers are urgently needed to pick-up and transport MWA volunteers and members for a variety of organizing and benefit activities as well as to deliver food and other resources throughout central Ohio.
Annual Campaigns & Events